What Causes Acne-How To Get Rid of it?

What Causes Acne-How To Get Rid of it ?
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Acne, pimples are very common diseases. About 80% to 85% of young men and women are dealing with it. What are the causes of acne and how to get rid of this problem, as a result of always having these thoughts, Many people suffer from frustration and depression for a long period due to the acne problem.

There are plenty of people who are trying various treatments in the hope of getting rid of the acne problem.

But without knowing why acne is occurring, what types of acne are occurring, If you only treat without knowing all this, then you are doing wrong.

First of all, you need to know why you have acne, what type of acne you have, then you need to deal with them accordingly. If you do not treat acne properly, at the right time, then it will be worse than good for your skin.

First, find out what is acne?

Acne is a commonly occurring skin condition that occurs when the hair follicles clog with oil and dead skin cells.

There are oil glands just beneath our skin. From these oil glands, continuously secrete oil. This oil protects our skin. And if for any reason these cells near the openings in the oil glands block the openings, then the oils accumulate and build up there, and acne forms.

Have you ever wondered why you are getting acne? There are many people who are just wondering how to get rid of acne. But they rarely think about why acne is occurring, what are the causes of acne?

The following are some common causes of acne. It will help you figure out why you have acne.

Let’s go through the reasons:

Hormonal conditions are a very common cause of acne. When the androgen hormone becomes active, and this hormone is combined with bacteria and fatty acids in oil glands, this causes acne. In women, the androgenic hormone turned into estrogen.

As the levels of androgen hormones increase, the oil glands in the skin secrete more oil and sebum. This excess oil and sebum can break down the walls of our cells in the pores, resulting in the formation of bacteria. And this is how the problem of acne is occurred.

Most commonly, propionibacterium-classified bacteria may cause inflamed acne. Inflamed acne can occur in any area of the skin, where oil glands have but most often form on the neck, back, face and chest.

When bacteria get trapped inside the clogged pores, the amount of bacteria continues to increase, and then these areas of the skin become red and swollen. In sometimes, they are painful. This is one of the causes of acne.

In those whose sebaceous glands work in an overactive manner, their dead skin cells fall off very rapidly. As a result, dead skin cells blend with the secreted sebum and form plugs in the follicles.

Follicle disease is a common skin infection. When you damage your hair follicles, you may get folliculitis.

Possibly, the factors, that you can damage your hair follicles are- shaving, rubbing, or touching the skin constantly, When tight clothes rub against the skin or using a hot tub, or after waxing or plucking.

However, there are many arguments for the link between diet and acne. But the only diet should not be blamed for getting acne, on the other hand, the diet will not be denied at all. A poor diet causes acne.

The fact is that what you eat, and that suits you or not. You need to think about it and then create a diet plan that suits you. Food that suits you may not be suitable for other people.

But there are some food and beverages which trigger breakouts. If some foods seem to you that trigger acne on your skin, then you will inevitably stop consuming them.

Milk, low-glycemic food, high sugar, and high-fat foods have been linked to acne. But there is no evidence that dairy products such as yogurt and cheese can increase acne.

So, you should be careful about your diet and acne and know what foods trigger your acne tendency.

Although there is no such thing as an acne gene. But genetic can have an impact on getting acne.

In some families, it may have a hereditary tendency that their dead skin cells shed more rapidly, which resulting acne. Again in some families, it is hereditary that their sebum is excreted in large quantities, this leads to oily skin, and this oily skin easily traps bacteria in the pores, due to which acne often occurs.

Stress is never directly connected with pimples or acne. But yes, when we stress too much, our body releases some stress hormones such as cortisol and it sends to oil glands and mixes with dead skin cells and leads to increase acne-causing bacteria.

So don’t stress too much, it may not have any direct link to acne. But it might trigger breakouts. And also it can make your existing pimples worse. Somehow stress causes acne.

Certain medicines may cause acne. Especially drugs that contain lithium, steroids, iodides, bromides, androgenic steroids, and DHEA.

If you are taking these medications, and you have the problem of acne, then these medications may be the reason behind your breakouts.

Acne may occur at any age. It is a myth that breakouts only occur in puberty. Adults also experience the problem of acne. However, the acne problem starts and sometimes worsens during puberty.

Many people may have acne in their teenage but they have decreased as the get older. Again, there are a lot of people who didn’t have pimples in their teens, but the pimples started when they were adults.

You may be using expensive cosmetics, but even then you are facing acne problems. These cosmetics may contain such ingredients which are unsuitable for your skin.

Your individual skin can be sensitive to certain ingredients. Your skin can be allergic to certain oils, fragrances, and certain natural components.

Again, there are skincare products that clog the pores. Water-based products work very well for the ones that have acne. So, whenever you buy skincare products, look at its ingredients list.

If your skin is oily, you should avoid greasy products. Oily skin easily clog pores and increase breakouts. Greasy cosmetics help to block the pores and increase bacteria when these blocked pores become irritated, it will swell into a pimple or red bump.

Regularly wearing something and that item creates pressure or friction on the skin. This pressure or friction causes breakouts in some parts of the skin. These can be among the things we wear every day, such as backpacks, headbands, helmets, tight collars, and cell phones.

You might be surprised to see cell phones on this list. You may be wondering how can be a cell phone causes pimples?

Ok, let me tell you why are cell phones on this list.

First of all, if you use cell phones most of the time, to talk, it creates friction in certain areas of your face. And you already know that pimples are the result of this constant friction.

There is another reason since the phone is kept here and there, it very frequently comes in contact with bacteria, and the dirt and grim of the cellphone mix with the oil of the skin and leads to break out.

Smoking is not only bad for your skin, it is bad for your health too. This habit restricts blood flow in your body. It prevents your skin from having the oxygen and nutrients it needs. As a result, the body’s ability to resist any disease is reduced. Any bruise or cut on the body takes longer to heal, even in the case of acne too.

When in women, some hormone level changes, then they experience the problem of acne at that certain time. This adult acne occurs more frequently in women than in men.

Pregnancy:  Many women experience acne during their pregnancy. Pimples occur during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy.

Period:  Some women get pimples during or just before their menstruation. This is because throughout the menstrual cycle hormone fluctuates constantly.

PCOD:  Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOD is a common condition that causes acne. About 30% of women suffer from this PCOD acne problem.

  • When you exfoliate your skin excessively.
  • Using lots of skin care products
  • Your hair products can cause breakouts. Sulfate and silicones based shampoos and conditioners harmful for your skin and hair also.
  • Not getting enough sleep is one of the reasons for getting acne.
  • Poor digestive system
  • If you do not drink enough water every day, you may get acne. Dehydration is also one of the reasons.
  • Lack of zinc, fatty acids and vitamins can lead to nutrient deficiency, which leading to acne.
  • If you are out in the sun too much, it puts you at the risk to get acne.
  • Using dirty makeup brushes and blending sponges and also dirty pillowcase can cause acne.

Common acne’s medical name is acne vulgaris.

Many people think that pimples and acne are two different diseases. Acne is a skin disease and pimples are symptoms of that disease.

When dead skin cells mix with sebum, they clog the follicle. The trapped bacteria cause inflammation and lead to red, swollen pimples in acne

There are different kinds of acne. You can have different kinds of acne at the same time. Different types of acne are treated differently, even their appearance and symptoms from each other are different.

You need to know the types of acne you have and then treat them accordingly. If your pimples are moderate then you can treat them by yourself. And if your acne is severe, we will suggest you to see a dermatologist.

The following article explains the types of acne. It will help you determine the type of acne you have.

(Learn more about the differences between fungal acne and closed comedones and their treatment.)

What Causes Acne-How To Get Rid of it?
Image Source – google | Image by Healthline

Small and black dots are blackhead blemishes. These are open comedones, when sebum and dead skin cells clogged the follicle, it leads to blackheads. The top part of the pore is open and the rest is clogged. The clogged are gradually turning oxidize, for which its color looks black. (Learn more about the best way to get rid of blackheads)

What Causes Acne-How To Get Rid of it?
Image Source – google | Image by Sayantani Chatterjee 

 It also mixes with sebum and dead skin cells and clogs the pores. These are closed comedones and small blemishes with whiteheads. The top of the blackhead is open, but the top of the whitehead is closed.

What Causes Acne-How To Get Rid of it?
Image Source – google | Image by Medical News Today

Pustules have infected pores and are filled with pus. Pustules are usually swollen and red blemishes. The acnes contain yellow or white pus.

Image Source – google | Image by Kalyani Hari 

These acnes are caused by bacteria under the skin’s surface. These are red or pink in color. Papules are hard and clogged pores that are tender to the touch.

Image Source – google | Image by Healthline

When clogged and swollen pores, later become more irritating and large in size, then they are called nodules. It extends much more in-depth into the skin and is very painful.

Image Source – google | Image by Medical News Today

Cysts are large red or white bumps often painful to touch. This acne is a severe infection and occurs when bacteria, dead skin cells, and sebum clogged the pores. These types of acne are also filled with pus.

Acne can usually occur at any age. But acne begins to appear at puberty, between the ages of 10 and 13 years. Puberty acne can last for 5 to 10 years and gradually go away in the early 20s. But those whose skin is oily, their acne problem sometimes gets severe.

Adult acne begins in the late 20s to early 30s. However, acne can be seen most severe, during puberty. And 20% of adults experience acne problems.

 Now you may be wondering how to get rid of acne. Don’t worry about it, you don’t have to spend a lot of time on it. You just have to follow some things on a regular basis.

You should clean your face twice a day. The first step in keeping your skin clean and taking proper care of your skin is to wash your face properly.

If you wash your face well, you can prevent not only acne but also other problems of your skin. But remember one thing, wash your hands well before going to wash your face or touch your face. We have a lot of bacteria in our hands and these bacteria are the cause of acne problems so it is very important to wash your hands before washing your face.

If you think that using simple face wash can prevent your acne problem then you are wrong. You need to choose a facewash that will suit your skin.

Now the question is, how do you know which face wash is suitable for your skin? No worries, we have described here so that you can choose the right face wash or product for your skin.

If your skin is oily, choose a face wash that contains Salicylic acid, Benzoyl peroxide, Glycolic acid.

Extra care is very necessary for sensitive skin. There are two types of sensitive skin. A) Oily sensitive skin B) Dry, sensitive skin

A) Oily sensitive skin- For this type of skin, choose a facewash made with natural ingredients such as Willow bark based facewash, Tea tree oil based face wash, green tea extracts facewash.

B) Dry, sensitive skin – For this type of skin, you should use a product that is SLS FREE and contains hydrating ingredients such as glycerin.(

 When you apply ice cubes on your face, the blood circulation in the skin becomes slow. To control it your body Increases blood flow as a result blood circulation in your skin becomes very fast which gives new life to your skin and makes the skin radiant.

Wrap the ice cube in a thin and clean cloth and apply it on your acne or pimple swollen area at intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute for 5 minutes. This will reduce the swelling of your acne and pimples.

You all know that if you follow a healthy diet regularly, you will have good health and at the same time, you will have healthy skin. But scientifically the correlation between pimples and diet is very controversial and this has created many misconceptions and myths.

Since hormonal factors are one of the main causes of acne, if a diet affects hormones directly or indirectly, it will also affect pimples.

Dairy products, chocolates, and way protein supplements all increase the level of glucose in the body and affect hormonal activity. All these foods should be excluded from your diet.

Add high-fiber foods and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.

As simple as water is, it plays an important role in the functioning of the various organs of our body and in expelling the various harmful substances produced in the body.

You all need to know the right way to drink water. Just as it is not right to drink less than the amount of water, it is also not right to drink more than the amount of water.

If you do not drink enough water, your body can get various diseases such as skin allergies, pimples, liver problems, etc. So all of you should drink enough water.

If you want healthy skin, then your pillow cover should be cleaned regularly. A dirty pillow cover becomes a suitable habitat for dust, germs, and bacteria. When our skin comes in contact with it, these dust, germs, and bacteria can cause various skin problems and trigger acne.

When the pillow cover should be changed or cleaned? It depends on the person himself. However, according to us, every person should clean their pillow cover once a week.

You must wash your makeup before going to bed at night. If the makeup is not washed properly, your pores will be clogged for a long time, which will increase the chances of your breakout.

I know that the easier it is to talk about stress-free living, the harder it is to implement. When we feel stress, the body releases certain hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

This adrenaline hormone increases our heart rate and increases blood flow in our body which can cause problems like blood pressure. The cortisol hormone increases the oil production in your skin glands, which causes clogged pores and acne breakouts.

You can do regular exercise, yoga, to reduce your stress level.

You should never pop your pimples because if you pop the pimples, your skin may get scars and your skin will be permanently damaged. Also, when you pop your pimples, the dust and bacteria in your hands come in contact with your skin and make the pimples more severe.

Your pimple should be allowed to heal on their own. If you want to pop pimples then you should talk to a dermatologist.

Acne is a very common skin problem. Various products and medicines are used to get rid of acne. These products or medicines work in different ways. Some products kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce acne inflammation while some products help to reduce acne by removing excess oil from the skin.

When buying skin care products, be sure that the products contain these ingredients. These ingredients perform well on acne-prone skin.

Now we will discuss what are the best ingredients to get rid of acne and their side effects?

Azelaic acid: Azelaic acid can be used to control acne. This is a very useful ingredient to get rid of post-acne. It is a type of alpha-hydroxy acid that is used in many types of medicine or products.

Benzoyl peroxide: It is a very effective ingredient for treating acne. It kills acne-causing bacteria and helps to fix acne problems by realizing free oxygen radicals. It removes dead skin cells and helps reduce acne by unclogging pores.

Benzoyl peroxide is used in many lotions, gels, cleansers, and spot treatments. But keep in mind that excessive use of this ingredient can cause some side effects. Your skin may become irritated and dry. If your skin is sensitive, it can cause burning or stinging sensation.

Alpha Hydroxy Acid: Acne products usually use two types of alpha-hydroxy acids, which are glycolic acid and lactic acid. These ingredients reduce inflammation by exfoliating the skin and it is used to smoother the skin

This ingredient is used in many moisturizers, peels, and serums.

But keep in mind that this can make your skin photosensitive. So it is very important to take sun protection with this treatment.

Salicylic Acid: It is a kind of hydroxy acid that acts as a very powerful exfoliant. It also has many inflammatory properties and acts as a gentle Exfoliator.

This salicylic acid controls excessive oil production of the skin and stops the excessive shedding of cells. This ingredient is able to remove the dead skin layer

This salicylic acid is very effective in eliminating mild acne problems like blackhead, white head.

Many cosmetic products use salicylic acid such as BBcream, cleansers, etc.

But don’t forget that this can lead to side effects like stinging and skin irritation.

Topical retinol acid: This ingredient is very useful for treating acne. Topical retinol acid protects the skin from new acne forming and stimulates the production of skin cells.

This is a very useful ingredient for those who have mixed acne or inflammatory acne.

Topical retinol acid does not have any serious side effects but it can show side effects such as redness and itching dryness of the skin.

None of us want acne or pimples on our skin. But acne or pimples are a very common skin problem. In this article, we have tried to explain in detail the causes of acne and some tips to cure them. If you still suffer from acne after doing all of these, then you need to go to your dermatologist. They can solve your skin problem.

Abhijit Sarkar

Abhijit Sarkar

Abhijit Sarkar is a passionate automobile engineer and part-time content writer. With his deep interest in skincare and hair care, he brings a unique perspective to the world of beauty. Abhijit's expertise lies in dissecting the science behind various hair and skin problems, providing effective solutions, and sharing practical tips for a healthy and radiant appearance. As a meticulous researcher, he delves into the intricacies of beneficial and harmful ingredients, empowering readers to make informed choices. Through his engaging articles, Abhijit aims to simplify the complexities of hair and skincare, helping readers unlock their true beauty potential.

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